Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Pelan - Pelan..

Dengan keadaan sekarang, aku banyak berahsia semua, 
bila rahsia terbongkar, 
agak2 macamana aku nak handle?

Hahaha...bersungguh sangat rahsia bagai... Tapi, seriously, korang ingat senang jadi anak tunggal ni? 
Kena jaga hati ramai orang lagi.. Kena tadah telinga dengar masalah semua orang lagi..
Expectation lagi.. Mau tak serabut kepala..
Dengan aku tatau nak cerita kat siapa segala masalah aku lagi..
Orang2 sekeliling pesen bila ada masalah baru nak carik aku.. Bila putus cinta, baru datang nak mengadu.. Sedih lah itulah inilah.. Gaduh ngan housemate pon ngadu kat aku..Kereta buat hal pun aku.. haih.. Aku tak kisah pun sebenarnya, tapi yang aku kisah, untuk sekali cuba concern sikit kat pendengar tegar ni..
Memangla aku ni gaya ala2 bomba merangkap bodyguard merangkap nurse merangkap driver merangkap psychiatrist merangkap maid dan merangkap lain2 yang sangat berjaya dengan gaya keras hati semua.. Tapi lek r.. Aku manusia normal kot.. Bukan hati bionik..
Pagi2 dah dengar org sekian2 mengadu pasal sekian2, bla3x... Lepastu bila senyap mula la kata aku ni xde perasaan la macam2..
So sekarang, biarlah.. 
Pelan2 aku cuba keluar dari masalah sendiri.. Yang hadap nye aku.. Bukan orang lain.. 
Pelan2 aku cuba latih diri untuk say no to masalah orang lain..
Pelan2 aku kata kat diri aku sendiri hari2, sayang diri sendiri dulu baru sayang orang lain..
Pelan2 aku nak buang perangai cerewet ni..
Pelan2.. Slow and steady, jom carik kerja..!! hahaha..

Monday, April 28, 2014

CIMB Cards Promotion for Debit/Credit Card Holder

Who else have the tendency of subscribe @ join @ register any type of promotion, credit card, store card or anything else without actually knowing the actual benefits of participating?

Am I the only one??? 


Ok..Ok..I have come to my senses now..
Basically my first debit card will be Kwik Card from CIMB.. I set up the account because it is FREE and easily set up via online.. Pay RM10 and walla!! You got yourself a debit mastercard...
Maybe that is why I don't feel it is needed for me to actually explore the privileges, benefits etc other then "Hey I can do online shopping now!!"

So I just checkin up the Cimb Bank page and hey, there are quite a lot of cool privileges for CIMB Debit/Credit Card holder..

These are some of the cool stuff i found (Hey, I'm new to this, so , please bear the over-excitedness behavior)

As a person that adore foods of my main focus must be on foods!

So, as a typical Malaysian that loooves the anything stated as Free promotion, I rushed to the nearest San Francisco Coffee  store anddd ta-ta-da-ta-daaaa:

Buy 1 Free 1 ..Drink 1 first and later take-out the other one..Muahaha..

If you guys are as somehow ignorant as me, my advice, go and check what actually are the privileges of anything that you put your name on..

For other promotions and discounts for the Cimb Debit/Credit Card holder, you can go and check it out at

and for the nearest San Francisco Coffee store location...you can always check via,

p/s: ini adalah iklan tidak berbayar..hahahahaha..cuma feels very eksaited sebab baru tahu...(@_@)

Mini GA Cash RM350 by Emas Putih #part2

Entah tiba2 plak rasa rajin..haha..so let's just try...


[ Tekan banner di atas kalau nak join ]

Mini GA Cash RM350 by Emas Putih #part2 ini dianjurkan oleh Emas Putih 
dan disponser oleh Syiera , Iskandar Daughter , Saidatul dan Syira Lokman dan Mahamahu :)

Hey ho!!! \(^_^)/