Friday, July 22, 2016

A letter to self

Dear me,

Please use your time wisely. You ain't gonna get those back, not now not ever. Life is going to pass through you without you knowing. You had paused your life for so many years for others and they don't even appreciate it. Please stop being such a fool and live your own life as you wish. If they want to do anything, let them sort it by them selves. Stop being that Always-There person. Stop. Just Stop.

You realize that no body is going to be there for you when you needed one. They will always simply tell you to handle everything by your self even for their problems. Shit. So please, I really hope that you manage to open your eyes wide upon this. Open your eyes, open your heart. Stop feeling sympathetic to others first. Put your life at as a main subject from now on.

Learn to say No. And learn to move on. Yes, you need to move on. People come and go as they wish. And they don't even bother to look back.  The only thing that they end up remember will always be those time that you are trying to figure out your life, you ain't there for them. That one single time versus all your life you devoted to make sure they never feel sad by themselves.

So please. By all mean, if you love your self, leave them. Leave everything that always hurt you behind. Pick up those pitiful life of yours. Teach your self to be a great, self-respect woman. Girl, you are not even a girl anymore. Last time you checked you had a great life was when you are a real girl, childish and stupid. Look what have you make your self by allowing them to take over your life.

To me and only me. Change. I love you. And I can't bare the pain of seeing myself crying every night when the reality hits. I hope you wake up. No. You need to wake up.

Your Self,

Me n You.