Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Malaysia SOP Relaxation May 2022

Earlier our Health Minister has announced the new rules of Covid-19 SOP and the regulations starting on May 1. Most of the people are so eager after hearing the news as one, Raya is approaching. Two, no more mafan SOPs. 

(Pic credit to:

The topic that we have been discussing today is mainly about if you are going to stick on using mask and still considering the sop that you have been adhered to for the past 2+ years or just automatically back to living a life as if Covid-19 never exist. Tell you the truth, I have been adapted in wearing mask anywhere I go. It makes me as a person that loves to travel by myself feel safe without people looking. So yeah, maybe I will stick to mask but not fully, means indoor and crowded place. I think we should make it a habit of wearing mask whenever we feel sick,having cough,flu etc. It is not a bad thing to do. The Koreans I've seen in real life, news and others always use their masks on daily life even before Covid era, so yeah, why not. It is to protect everyone on the first place.

For those who have been effected and affected by Covid, the struggle is real. I just wish everyone to be safe especially during Hari Raya people will never bother about sop relax or not. And for everyone to respect others who are still prefer on doing social distancing and stuff. And for those who are going to start their 'nightlife', take care also.

Well you can read about the details as below, taken from the Ministry of Health Twitter Page @KKMPutrajaya:

Test for positive Covid case

Mask rules: Mandatory indoors, encouraged crowded place and high risk prople

No need scan but premise still need to check hor... Yeah loophole..

Travellers, travelling, travels!!!

Unpopular opinion, as an introvert, social distancing is actually a bliss. Wfh is also a bliss considering the dreadful traffic of Selangor and Kuala Lumpur. This last two weeks when most of working people are back to full capacity of working from office, the traffic is considered a hellish nightmare, even for someone that manage to go to work not during peak hours like me. Like all hours are peak right now. Oh hell no.