Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Food picture: Mee Udang Pulau Sayak

Nearby the area that got hit by the tsunami 2006. 

Usop Mee Udang Pulau Sayak or in English Pulau Sayak (the place's name) Prawn Noodle. Lol.

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

AI Showdown: ChatGPT, Claude, & Google Gemini Battle for Everyday Brilliance!

In the fast-paced world of artificial intelligence, three standout contenders are making waves: ChatGPT by OpenAI, Claude by Anthropic, and Google Gemini. These AIs aren’t just tools; they’ve become essential companions, each with its own superpowers. 

ChatGPT is your go-to for creative brainstorming, whipping up anything from witty articles to functional code. Claude, on the other hand, is like the responsible friend—focused on keeping things ethical and under control. Meanwhile, Google Gemini flexes its versatility, seamlessly handling tasks that mix text, code, and visuals.

Whether you need a digital wordsmith, an ethical advisor, or a multitasking powerhouse, these AI models bring something unique to the table, making everyday tasks smoother and smarter.

The table below shows brief comparison between three leading AI chatbots—ChatGPT, Claude, and Google Gemini—against each other, showcasing their strengths in different areas. ChatGPT excels in creativity and versatile content creation, while Claude focuses on ethics and safety. Google Gemini stands out with its multimodal capabilities, seamlessly handling text, code, and images. Each model caters to unique needs, from writing and coding to ethical AI solutions. Whether you're seeking creative content, ethical AI, or powerful multitasking, this table highlights what makes each chatbot shine.


ChatGPT (OpenAI)                       

Claude (Anthropic)                   

Google Gemini (Google)               





Primary Strength   

Strong conversational fluency and adaptability

Safety-oriented with a focus on ethical AI

Multimodal abilities (text, code, audio, images)

Best Prompt Example

"Write a detailed blog post about the latest AI trends."

"Analyze the potential ethical implications of using AI in healthcare."

"Generate a step-by-step guide on how to integrate text, code, and images in a single AI project."

Training Data      

Trained on a wide variety of internet data 

Focus on safe and ethical AI, large datasets

Trained using Google's large knowledge base

Best Prompt Example

"Explain how GPT-4 improves on previous AI models."

"Describe how ethical considerations were integrated into AI training."

"Compare Google’s AI training data with OpenAI's approach."

Natural Language Processing

 Excellent conversational skills and fluency 

 Strong on reasoning tasks, deeper understanding

Excellent at understanding and generating natural language

Best Prompt Example

"Hold a casual conversation about the future of space exploration."

"Debate the pros and cons of universal basic income."

"Summarize a complex legal document in simple language."

Code Writing Ability

Very proficient, especially in GPT-4       

 Good, but slightly behind ChatGPT         

Excels at structured code and logic tasks

Best Prompt Example

"Write Python code for a web scraper that extracts data from a news site."

"Suggest ways to optimize this piece of JavaScript code for performance."

"Generate a structured SQL query that retrieves customer orders from a database."

Accuracy vs. Creativity

High creativity in text generation        

Leans toward accuracy and safety         

Balanced, with a tilt toward accuracy  

Best Prompt Example

 "Create a fictional short story set in a futuristic world where humans live underwater."

"Provide a factual report on the benefits and risks of AI in education."

"Produce an accurate analysis of current AI trends and potential future applications."

Supported Languages

 Over 25 languages                          

 Supports over 95 languages                

 Multilingual, extensive support (exact count varies)

Best Prompt Example

"Translate a business proposal from English to French."

"Explain the cultural nuances of translating medical texts into multiple languages."

"Generate a multilingual product manual that covers text in English, Spanish, and Mandarin."


Free tier with ChatGPT-3.5, paid tier for GPT-4

Flexible pricing (typically cheaper)      

Free and paid options available          

Unique Features    

Integrates with third-party apps, strong multimodal support (DALL-E, code interpreter)

Ethical AI with guardrails for safety     

Designed to handle a wide variety of tasks beyond just chat (text, code, image, etc.)

Best Prompt Example

"Create an image of a futuristic city with DALL-E and explain its design."

"Suggest steps to ensure AI adheres to ethical safety guidelines in public services."

"Combine text, code, and image generation to create a cohesive AI-driven presentation."

Best For           

Versatile use, content creation, code generation

Ethical AI tasks, reasoning, customer service

Multimodal use, enterprise-level tasks

Best Prompt Example

"Write a news article and generate a code to analyze reader engagement."

"Propose ethical solutions for AI in surveillance."

"Create an interactive AI tool that processes images and provides live feedback."

In the battle of AI chatbots, each model brings something unique to the table. ChatGPT is your go-to for creativity, Claude excels in ethical and safe AI, while Google Gemini dominates with its versatile, multimodal capabilities. Choose based on your specific needs, as all three shine in their own way.