Thursday, February 13, 2014

Friday Mumble..

Correct me if I am wrong..
Everyone has their own problem.. Right?

Its not like when you're living in certain countries,then every problem in the universe can't lay a single finger on you..Cause if there are such countries..Pleaaaaseeee let me know..

I need to change my environment..
I really do..
All these thesis master stuff ain't suit for me.. My biggest regret right know is to change from doing coursework into thesis for my master..
Person like me,crazy for different type of knowledge, can't be in one place for so long..
Hey, if anyone got vacant spots,engineering,travel or any interesting jobs for me, do let me know..haha..

My main problem, I'm not the type of share-my-problems-with-people-I-know.. haha..yes..its hard.. I've been keeping everything by my own self...and its quiet crazy-ing me out..
Maybe I need a Penpal from far across my country.. writing my problems, without knowing to whom actually i write
I don't know..

Hey, meet my favorite calming snack..Hello Panda by Meiji..
It's panda-like, like me....ohoho..

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