Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Some pet talks

Like every other new year, new months and new days, there are times I need some good pet talks as I always myself drowning in living the life.. I found one .. 

I can't find people to give me one so , I always try to find it via reading.

Pity me huh?

I've been reading as to find some cool points of living so I stumbled upon these awesome words.

The hardest truth about life.

And The Hardest Truth Is This:

The hardest truth that we need to know is this: everybody, and yes EVERYBODY sucks at the beginning. And here’s what most people do: they try a little bit, stumble and just give up way too soon. Only those who persist and persevere at all costs are the successful ones.
As this Quora user points out:
Your first 100 blog posts will suck.
Your first 5 books will suck.
Your first 30 talks in public will suck.
Your first 50 paintings will suck.
Your first 100 songs will suck.
Your first 40 YouTube videos will suck.
Yes, I made all of those numbers up.
And it doesn’t matter.
What matters is to understand that you’ll suck at everything in the beginning.
Just like I suck at everything in the beginning.
Just like everybody else sucks at everything in the beginning.
It all takes time. And persistence. And patience.
Most people rush through life. So they don’t have enough time.
Most people believe in overnight success. So they just stop when it doesn’t happen over night.
Most people get everything they want right away. So if they don’t, they just want something else.
So most people just give up.
And everything sucks..

Lol.. My kind of pet talks. thanks Lifehacks. 

Monday, January 2, 2017

HAPPY 2017!

It's the third day of 2017, I guess it's not too late to wish Happy New Year to everyone!
May this year is filled with blessings and happiness compare to last year.

As cheesy as it sounds, I do wish for world peace. My own nation's peace and even my own personal life and inner demon's peace. LOL.
And for people for be less judgmental, more understanding or at least has the slightest effort to understand other's differences and beliefs.

May war in every corner in the world subdue and life of every one's getting better.

To those who hold to their beliefs, may we take extra effort to be a greater believer this year. I do believe every religions teach us to be kind to others. So let's do that. Differences in beliefs and religions should never make us less human, in contrary, it should strengthens our value more.

Let's be better this year. 

Let's spread the love more.
