Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Already Tuesday

Don't you feel like each day passes quickly nowadays?
For people whose been having bad thoughts and being arm to arm with depression, the fact those dark days make you loose everything. In term of  friends and family, jobs and even your life.
As those things require times and feelings but being depress, you don't even have the time and energy for even yourself, thus making it an unaffordable for you to spend it on them.
Looking forward for hope to break through the darkness.
Looking forward for myself to beat those monsters within me.

I hope those who has been through these, or still are, let's fight together. ^^

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

It's been awhile..

I guess it's been more than a year since my last post.
Not that I've been a frequent writer back then but a year seems impropriate even though in real life a year pass thru in a blink of both eyes..

Life has been not so good either but I am still grateful to be alive.

To anyone that somehow is reading this, I hope you are doing well and you fighting spirit is still on fire.

There's a famous quote,

"There's a rainbow at the end of every rain"

(wait, is it really famous??lol)

Okay, back to the quote. Don't they realize not every rain ended with a colourful rainbow at the end? There's flood, and more flood, lanslide, mudslide, what else?

I'm being pessimistic and it actually feels great for the fact I can joke bout it.

Well, It's been many years but I still haven't found my rainbow of life.

Living in depression when you were a happily cheerful person makes your brain deteriorate even faster as you keep blaming yourself for losing your own F-word self.

Dear me, let's write more this year. Let's write everyday!!

I'm ending this with a picture of La Muerte from The Book of Life as the vogue-ness captured me..

(credit to Google)