Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Food picture: Mee Udang Pulau Sayak

Nearby the area that got hit by the tsunami 2006. 

Usop Mee Udang Pulau Sayak or in English Pulau Sayak (the place's name) Prawn Noodle. Lol.

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

AI Showdown: ChatGPT, Claude, & Google Gemini Battle for Everyday Brilliance!

In the fast-paced world of artificial intelligence, three standout contenders are making waves: ChatGPT by OpenAI, Claude by Anthropic, and Google Gemini. These AIs aren’t just tools; they’ve become essential companions, each with its own superpowers. 

ChatGPT is your go-to for creative brainstorming, whipping up anything from witty articles to functional code. Claude, on the other hand, is like the responsible friend—focused on keeping things ethical and under control. Meanwhile, Google Gemini flexes its versatility, seamlessly handling tasks that mix text, code, and visuals.

Whether you need a digital wordsmith, an ethical advisor, or a multitasking powerhouse, these AI models bring something unique to the table, making everyday tasks smoother and smarter.

The table below shows brief comparison between three leading AI chatbots—ChatGPT, Claude, and Google Gemini—against each other, showcasing their strengths in different areas. ChatGPT excels in creativity and versatile content creation, while Claude focuses on ethics and safety. Google Gemini stands out with its multimodal capabilities, seamlessly handling text, code, and images. Each model caters to unique needs, from writing and coding to ethical AI solutions. Whether you're seeking creative content, ethical AI, or powerful multitasking, this table highlights what makes each chatbot shine.


ChatGPT (OpenAI)                       

Claude (Anthropic)                   

Google Gemini (Google)               





Primary Strength   

Strong conversational fluency and adaptability

Safety-oriented with a focus on ethical AI

Multimodal abilities (text, code, audio, images)

Best Prompt Example

"Write a detailed blog post about the latest AI trends."

"Analyze the potential ethical implications of using AI in healthcare."

"Generate a step-by-step guide on how to integrate text, code, and images in a single AI project."

Training Data      

Trained on a wide variety of internet data 

Focus on safe and ethical AI, large datasets

Trained using Google's large knowledge base

Best Prompt Example

"Explain how GPT-4 improves on previous AI models."

"Describe how ethical considerations were integrated into AI training."

"Compare Google’s AI training data with OpenAI's approach."

Natural Language Processing

 Excellent conversational skills and fluency 

 Strong on reasoning tasks, deeper understanding

Excellent at understanding and generating natural language

Best Prompt Example

"Hold a casual conversation about the future of space exploration."

"Debate the pros and cons of universal basic income."

"Summarize a complex legal document in simple language."

Code Writing Ability

Very proficient, especially in GPT-4       

 Good, but slightly behind ChatGPT         

Excels at structured code and logic tasks

Best Prompt Example

"Write Python code for a web scraper that extracts data from a news site."

"Suggest ways to optimize this piece of JavaScript code for performance."

"Generate a structured SQL query that retrieves customer orders from a database."

Accuracy vs. Creativity

High creativity in text generation        

Leans toward accuracy and safety         

Balanced, with a tilt toward accuracy  

Best Prompt Example

 "Create a fictional short story set in a futuristic world where humans live underwater."

"Provide a factual report on the benefits and risks of AI in education."

"Produce an accurate analysis of current AI trends and potential future applications."

Supported Languages

 Over 25 languages                          

 Supports over 95 languages                

 Multilingual, extensive support (exact count varies)

Best Prompt Example

"Translate a business proposal from English to French."

"Explain the cultural nuances of translating medical texts into multiple languages."

"Generate a multilingual product manual that covers text in English, Spanish, and Mandarin."


Free tier with ChatGPT-3.5, paid tier for GPT-4

Flexible pricing (typically cheaper)      

Free and paid options available          

Unique Features    

Integrates with third-party apps, strong multimodal support (DALL-E, code interpreter)

Ethical AI with guardrails for safety     

Designed to handle a wide variety of tasks beyond just chat (text, code, image, etc.)

Best Prompt Example

"Create an image of a futuristic city with DALL-E and explain its design."

"Suggest steps to ensure AI adheres to ethical safety guidelines in public services."

"Combine text, code, and image generation to create a cohesive AI-driven presentation."

Best For           

Versatile use, content creation, code generation

Ethical AI tasks, reasoning, customer service

Multimodal use, enterprise-level tasks

Best Prompt Example

"Write a news article and generate a code to analyze reader engagement."

"Propose ethical solutions for AI in surveillance."

"Create an interactive AI tool that processes images and provides live feedback."

In the battle of AI chatbots, each model brings something unique to the table. ChatGPT is your go-to for creativity, Claude excels in ethical and safe AI, while Google Gemini dominates with its versatile, multimodal capabilities. Choose based on your specific needs, as all three shine in their own way.

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Strengthening Surveillance and Public Awareness: Malaysia's Response to the Global mpox Emergency

The Malaysian Ministry of Health (MOH) is bolstering its preparedness in response to the World Health Organization's (WHO) recent declaration of mpox as a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC) for the second time on August 14, 2024. This declaration emphasizes the growing global concern over the spread of the mpox virus, particularly with the emergence of a new strain, clade 1b, which has been rapidly spreading in parts of Africa.

Heightened Surveillance at International Entry Points

In line with WHO’s declaration, Malaysia is intensifying its surveillance efforts, particularly at all international entry points. The MOH has mandated that all travelers arriving from countries with reported mpox cases must monitor their health daily for 21 days following their arrival. This includes being vigilant for symptoms commonly associated with mpox, such as skin rashes and blisters.

Travelers are urged to seek immediate medical attention if they develop any symptoms, as early detection and isolation are crucial in preventing the spread of the virus. The MOH’s proactive stance reflects its commitment to safeguarding public health and preventing any potential outbreak within the country.

Public Health Advisory and Clinical Notifications

The Ministry has issued a public health advisory, particularly targeting individuals with a history of high-risk activities. Those experiencing symptoms like rashes or blisters are strongly advised to seek immediate medical examination at the nearest healthcare facility. Furthermore, they are encouraged to avoid close contact with others to minimize the risk of transmission.

Healthcare professionals, both in government and private facilities, have been instructed to promptly report any suspected or confirmed mpox cases to the nearest District Health Office. This measure is critical for enabling timely intervention, including the implementation of necessary prevention and control strategies.

Preparedness of Diagnostic Laboratories

Malaysia’s readiness to handle a potential outbreak is further supported by the availability of diagnostic laboratories equipped to conduct polymerase chain reaction (PCR) tests, which are essential for confirming mpox diagnoses. The MOH has confirmed that there are currently 10 laboratories, including two private labs, capable of conducting these tests.

Mpox strain (source:WHO)

In addition to testing capabilities, the Ministry is working to raise public awareness about mpox, particularly among high-risk groups. This includes distributing educational materials and collaborating with non-governmental organizations to reach at-risk populations, such as those frequenting spas and saunas, where skin-to-skin contact is more likely.

Ensuring Hygiene in High-Risk Premises

The MOH has also placed emphasis on maintaining hygiene standards in premises that involve skin-to-skin contact with customers, such as spas and massage parlors. These establishments are required to ensure that both staff and clients are symptom-free before providing services. The Ministry has advised that any individual displaying symptoms like rashes or blisters should seek medical attention immediately.

These efforts are part of a broader strategy to prevent any potential spread of the virus within Malaysia, particularly in environments where close contact is common.

Collaboration with Government and Non-Governmental Agencies

The Ministry of Health is committed to a collaborative approach in its response to the mpox threat. It continues to work closely with various government agencies and non-governmental organizations, as well as public and private healthcare providers, to monitor, detect, and manage mpox cases effectively. This coordinated effort is crucial in ensuring that all potential cases are promptly identified and managed, thereby reducing the risk of a widespread outbreak.

The Ministry also remains vigilant in monitoring the global situation, particularly in regions where mpox is spreading rapidly. This includes the Democratic Republic of the Congo, which has reported a significant increase in cases, with over 15,600 cases and 537 deaths in 2024 alone. The MOH is also keeping a close eye on the situation in East Africa, where countries like Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, and Uganda have reported mpox cases for the first time.

Global Context and Malaysia’s Response

The WHO’s second declaration of mpox as a PHEIC underscores the seriousness of the current global situation. The first declaration, made on July 23, 2022, remained in effect until May 11, 2023. The resurgence of the virus, particularly the rapid spread of the new clade 1b strain, has prompted renewed international concern.

In response to these developments, Malaysia has recorded nine cases of mpox since the first case was detected on July 26, 2023. All reported cases in the country have been linked to individuals with a history of high-risk activities. Fortunately, all the patients have recovered, and no deaths have been reported to date.

Despite the relatively low number of cases, the MOH remains on high alert, recognizing the importance of early detection and rapid response in preventing a larger outbreak. The Ministry’s proactive measures, combined with public cooperation, are key to ensuring that Malaysia remains prepared in the face of this global health challenge.

Expert Opinions and Future Outlook

Commenting on the situation, Professor Sharifa Ezat Wan Puteh, a health economics and public health specialist at Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia’s Faculty of Medicine, emphasized the importance of monitoring individuals who have engaged in sexual activities with partners from countries where mpox is present, including those where the disease is endemic. Her remarks highlight the ongoing need for vigilance, particularly in identifying and managing cases that may arise from international travel or high-risk activities.

As the global situation continues to evolve, the MOH is committed to staying informed and adapting its strategies as necessary. The Ministry’s ongoing efforts to enhance surveillance, increase public awareness, and ensure a robust response infrastructure reflect its dedication to protecting public health in Malaysia.

In conclusion, while Malaysia has thus far managed to contain the spread of mpox, the Ministry of Health’s continued vigilance and comprehensive response strategy will be essential in maintaining this success. By working together with international health authorities, other government agencies, and the public, Malaysia is well-positioned to manage the risks associated with this ongoing global health emergency.

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Fueling Focus: Delicious Foods to Calm Your Adult ADHD

Living with ADHD can be challenging, but your diet can play a role in managing symptoms and supporting your focus. Here are some tasty options to consider:

Omega-3 Rich Foods

    • What: Think salmon, walnuts, flaxseeds, and chia seeds.
    • Why: These goodies are packed with omega-3 fatty acids like brain fuel—they support focus and cognitive function.

Protein-Packed Goodies

  • What: Try lean meats (chicken, turkey), eggs, fish, beans, and tofu.
  • Why: Protein gives you steady energy and helps stabilize mood swings—perfect for keeping you on an even keel.

Smart Carbs

  • What: Load up on whole grains (like oats and brown rice), fruits, veggies, and beans.
  • Why: Complex carbs release energy slowly, helping you stay focused without the sugar rollercoaster.


Vibrant Fruits and Veggies

    • What: Berries, citrus fruits, leafy greens, and colorful veggies like bell peppers and carrots.
    • Why: Packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, these foods support overall brain health and keep you feeling sharp.

Magnesium Heroes

    • What: Snack on spinach, almonds, cashews, peanuts, and whole grains.
    • Why: Magnesium helps your brain work better by regulating neurotransmitters, which can improve attention and calm hyperactivity.


Stay Hydrated with Water:

  • Why: Water keeps you hydrated and focused. Dehydration can make ADHD symptoms like irritability and fatigue worse.

Tips for a ADHD-Supportive Diet:

  • Keep it Regular: Eating balanced meals and snacks regularly keeps your energy levels stable throughout the day.

  • Watch the Sweets: Limit sugary snacks and processed foods—they can lead to energy crashes and mood swings.

  • Supplement Smart: Consider talking to your healthcare provider about supplements like omega-3s or magnesium if you need an extra boost.

  • Plan Ahead: Meal planning can take the guesswork out of what to eat, reducing stress and making healthy choices easier.

  • Eat Mindfully: Pay attention to your body's hunger cues and savor each bite—it helps you make better food choices.

Adding these ADHD-friendly foods to your diet can make a real difference in how you feel and function. Remember, everyone’s body is different, so find what works best for you through trial and delicious error!

Monday, July 29, 2024

Malaysian Duo Chen Tang Jie and Toh Ee Wei Stun World No. 2 to Reach Paris 2024 Olympic Quarter-Finals

Paris Olympic 2024 - Malaysian mixed doubles shuttlers Chen Tang Jie and Toh Ee Wei have defied the odds to storm into the Olympic Games quarter-finals as group champions.

(Chen Tang Jie and Toh Ee Wei. credit pic: nst)

On Monday (July 29), they achieved a notable victory in their final Group D match at Adidas Arena in Port de la Chapelle:

  • Match Result: Chen Tang Jie and Toh Ee Wei defeated China's Feng Yanzhe and Huang Dongping with scores of 17-21, 21-15, 21-16.
  • Significance: Huang Dongping, a gold medalist in the 2021 Tokyo Games, and her partner Yanzhe were heavily favored, but Tang Jie and Ee Wei delivered a stunning performance.

This victory marked the Malaysian pair's second win over Yanzhe and Dongping in four encounters and their first success this year. As group champions, they will avoid facing other group winners in the quarter-final draw, which could provide a smoother path to the semi-finals. They will face one of the runners-up from the other groups in the quarter-finals.

The Malaysians’ triumph at the Paris 2024 Olympic Games is another highlight for their badminton squad. Their win took 70 minutes and captivated the 8,000-strong crowd at Porte de La Chapelle Arena.

Earlier in their campaign:

  • Match 1: They defeated Singapore’s Terry Hee and Jessica Tan with scores of 23-21, 21-12.
  • Match 2: They secured their place in the quarter-finals by beating Vinson Chiu and Jennie Gai of the United States, 21-15, 24-22.

As they advance to the knockout stage, Tang Jie and Ee Wei will be closely watching the draw to determine their next opponents. The draw is expected to be made tomorrow after all the doubles group matches have concluded.

Singapore Airlines Reveals Major Boost in In-Flight Recycling After New Catering Data

Singapore Airlines Ltd. recently announced a significant increase in its in-flight waste recycling rate for the 2023/24 financial year. Initially, the airline reported recycling only 1.7% of its waste. However, after further investigation and receiving updated data from its local catering company, they revised this figure to an impressive 11%, which translates to 393 metric tons.

The correction came after Bloomberg News inquired about the airline’s recycling practices. Upon closer examination, Singapore Airlines discovered it had severely understated the amount of glass waste recycled—368.1 metric tons instead of the previously reported 29.6 metric tons. This adjustment brought the total recycling figure for the fiscal year up significantly.

Recycling and broader environmental initiatives have become increasingly crucial for airlines and their investors. As the aviation industry strives to achieve net zero emissions by 2050, the focus has turned to sustainable practices, including the use of cleaner fuels and more environmentally friendly aircraft. While measures like reducing single-use plastics and lightening planes by removing heavy items are essential, the most significant progress will come from adopting sustainable aviation fuel and greener jets.

Interestingly, Singapore Airlines also revised its recycling figures for previous years. For the 2019/20 fiscal year, the recycling volume was adjusted to 670 metric tons from 388 metric tons once glass waste data was included. Despite these improvements, the airline’s recycling rate still trails behind some of its competitors. United Airlines reported a recycling rate of about 16% in 2023, Korean Air Lines achieved around 68%, and Qantas Airways reported approximately 23%.

Singapore Airlines has faced criticism for its sustainability efforts before. A trial of paper boxes for economy-class meals on medium- and long-haul flights was not widely adopted after negative feedback on social media for appearing too cost-cutting. However, the airline continues to use paper boxes and bamboo cutlery for short-haul economy flights.

Recycling efforts and sustainable practices remain a significant focus for the airline as it works to enhance its environmental impact and meet industry goals.

Friday, July 19, 2024

Global Chaos: CrowdStrike Update Triggers Windows Crash and BSOD Epidemic!

Today, July 19, a single security update by CrowdStrike led to catastrophic consequences, causing Windows systems to crash and triggering BSOD (Blue Screen of Death) errors globally. Airport systems came to a halt, leading to flight delays, while banking systems faced significant disruptions. Factory machines went haywire, mall systems crashed, and numerous government systems were affected, illustrating the immense influence of computer systems on our daily lives.

As everything transitions to the cloud and remains online 24/7, such incidents are not only possible but can result in multimillion-dollar losses for businesses. This event underscores the risky dependency we have on these systems.

Particularly hard hit were systems using Microsoft's Azure cloud services. Major industries worldwide rely on these services, which means the impact was extensive and far-reaching.

In the global market, the top three cloud providers are AWS, Azure, and Google. Apple, for instance, relies on AWS (Amazon) for its cloud services.

The root of the problem lies in Microsoft's use of CrowdStrike services. This dependency caused significant issues for both Windows and Azure, highlighting the vulnerabilities inherent in our interconnected, cloud-dependent world.

CrowdStrike Fixes Bug Causing Global IT Outage Impacting Airports, Banks, and Media

CrowdStrike CEO George Kurtz announced that a bug causing worldwide IT outages, affecting airports, banks, and media, has been fixed as of Friday, July 19, according to AFP.

"CrowdStrike is actively working with customers impacted by a defect found in a single content update for Windows hosts... The issue has been identified, isolated and a fix has been deployed," Kurtz stated on the social media platform X.

The National Cyber Security Agency (Nacsa) is monitoring the global IT outage affecting Microsoft users and working to restore operations swiftly, according to Bernama. The disruption has significantly impacted sectors such as television channels, airports, and banks worldwide, including in Malaysia.

"In Malaysia, we have observed operational disruptions in key areas. For instance, operations at Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA) Terminal 2 have been affected, leading to manual check-ins and extended waiting times. We want to clarify that this is not a cyber attack, but it is a significant cybersecurity issue,” Nacsa stated. The outage has caused delays and operational challenges across multiple sectors, impacting businesses and the public.

Nacsa advises affected parties to monitor updates from vendors and manage temporary solutions carefully. "Nacsa is committed to ensuring the security and resilience of our national cyber infrastructure. We will continue to provide support and guidance to affected organizations during this challenging time," the statement concluded.

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Unlocking Your Potential: Tackling Common Challenges of Adult ADHD with Confidence

Living with Adult ADHD can throw some curveballs into your daily routine. From managing time to keeping your space organized, there are plenty of challenges that come with the territory. But don’t worry—understanding these common issues is the first step to figuring out how to handle them like a pro. Here’s a laid-back look at some of the most frequent problems adults with ADHD face and how to deal with them:

1. Time Management

  • Problem: Struggling to estimate how long tasks will take, leading to missed deadlines or procrastination.
  • Solution: Use timers, alarms, and detailed schedules. Break tasks into smaller, manageable chunks.
2. Organization
  • Problem: Difficulty keeping track of items and maintaining an orderly space.
  • Solution: Implement organizational systems like labeled storage bins, digital tools for task management, and regular decluttering sessions.
3. Focus and Concentration
  • Problem: Trouble sustaining attention on tasks, especially those that are lengthy or boring.
  • Solution: Create a distraction-free work environment, use noise-canceling headphones, and practice techniques like the Pomodoro method (working in short bursts with breaks).
4. Impulsivity
  • Problem: Making hasty decisions without thinking through the consequences, interrupting others, or engaging in risky behaviors.
  • Solution: Practice mindfulness and breathing exercises to improve self-control. Delay decision-making by taking a moment to pause and reflect.
5. Emotional Regulation
  • Problem: Experiencing intense emotions and difficulty managing frustration, anger, or mood swings.
  • Solution: Engage in regular physical activity, seek therapy for emotional regulation strategies, and practice relaxation techniques like meditation or yoga.
6. Memory Issues
  • Problem: Frequently forgetting appointments, tasks, or where things are placed.
  • Solution: Use reminders, alarms, and digital calendars. Write down important information immediately and create consistent habits for placing items in designated spots.
7. Procrastination
  • Problem: Delaying tasks until the last minute, leading to increased stress and lower quality of work.
  • Solution: Set clear deadlines, prioritize tasks, and reward yourself for completing tasks on time. Breaking tasks into smaller steps can also make them feel less overwhelming.
8. Sleep Problems
  • Problem: Difficulty falling asleep, staying asleep, or maintaining a consistent sleep schedule.
  • Solution: Establish a regular bedtime routine, create a relaxing sleep environment, and avoid screens before bed. Consult a healthcare provider if sleep issues persist.
9. Relationship Challenges
  • Problem: Miscommunications, impulsive reactions, or inattentiveness can strain relationships with partners, family, and friends.
  • Solution: Work on communication skills, seek couples or family therapy, and make a conscious effort to be present and listen actively during conversations.
10. Financial Management
  • Problem: Impulsive spending, difficulty budgeting, or forgetting to pay bills.
  • Solution: Use budgeting apps, set up automatic bill payments, and establish financial goals. Seeking advice from a financial planner can also be helpful.
11. Workplace Performance
  • Problem: Struggling with productivity, meeting deadlines, or staying organized at work.
  • Solution: Communicate with supervisors about your needs, seek accommodations if necessary, and use tools like project management software to stay on track.
12. Self-Esteem Issues
  • Problem: Feeling inadequate or frustrated due to the challenges of managing ADHD symptoms.
  • Solution: Practice self-compassion, set realistic goals, and celebrate small achievements. Seeking therapy can also provide support and strategies for improving self-esteem.

While living with Adult ADHD can present various challenges, understanding these common problems and implementing practical solutions can make a significant difference. With the right strategies, support, and resources, adults with ADHD can navigate these issues more effectively and lead fulfilling lives.

Monday, June 24, 2024

Unlocking Digestion: The Liver's Essential Role in Fat Breakdown and Nutrient Absorption

When we think about digestion, the spotlight often falls on the stomach and intestines. However, the liver is a silent hero in this intricate process, playing a crucial role in breaking down fats and absorbing essential vitamins. Let's delve into how this amazing organ, with its production and release of bile, orchestrates a symphony of digestion that keeps our bodies running smoothly.

The Marvel of Bile Production

Nestled under your rib cage, the liver is constantly at work, producing a greenish-yellow fluid known as bile. This vital substance is stored in the gallbladder, waiting for the moment you indulge in a deliciously fatty meal. When such food enters your small intestine, the gallbladder springs into action, releasing bile through the bile ducts into the duodenum, the first segment of the small intestine.

Emulsification: Making Fats Digestible

Imagine trying to mix oil and water—fats in your digestive system face a similar challenge. This is where bile comes to the rescue. Bile contains bile salts that break down large fat globules into smaller, more manageable droplets in a process called emulsification. By increasing the surface area of fats, bile ensures that digestive enzymes can effectively do their job, making fat digestion far more efficient.

Micelles: The Key to Nutrient Absorption

But bile's job doesn't stop at emulsification. It also plays a crucial role in the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, and K) and fatty acids. Bile salts help form micelles—tiny, water-soluble aggregates—that can be easily absorbed by the cells lining the intestine. These micelles are essential for transporting nutrients across the intestinal wall and into the bloodstream, where they can be distributed throughout the body.

Excretion of Waste: The Liver's Cleanup Crew

In addition to aiding digestion, bile serves as a vehicle for the excretion of certain waste products from the liver. This includes bilirubin, a byproduct of the breakdown of red blood cells, and excess cholesterol. By incorporating these substances into bile and eventually expelling them from the body, the liver helps maintain internal balance and prevent the buildup of potentially harmful compounds.


The liver, with its production and release of bile, is indispensable in the complex process of digestion. From emulsifying fats to aiding in the absorption of essential vitamins and excreting waste products, bile ensures our digestive system operates efficiently. So, next time you enjoy a meal, take a moment to appreciate the liver's hard work in keeping your body nourished and balanced. It truly is the unsung hero of digestion!

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Adult ADHD In Simple Terms

What is ADHD?

Imagine your brain is like a TV with 500 channels, and someone else has the remote control, flipping through them at random. That’s kinda what ADHD feels like! ADHD stands for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, but let’s break it down in a more relatable way:

  1. Attention Deficit: Your focus is like a cat – it does what it wants. One minute you’re deep into a project, and the next minute, oh look, a squirrel!

  2. Hyperactivity: Ever see a kid who’s had too much sugar? Yeah, that’s your energy level – even when you haven’t had a drop of caffeine. Sitting still is like trying to keep a balloon from floating away.

  3. Impulsivity: Think of it as having a “buy now” button on your brain that sometimes gets stuck. Decisions happen quickly, often with a “YOLO” attitude.

How ADHD Affects Your Life

  • Work: Meetings are like marathons – trying to stay focused is a real challenge. Your desk might look like a tornado hit it, and deadlines sneak up like ninjas.

  • Relationships: You might interrupt people, not because you’re rude, but because your brain just couldn’t wait to share that awesome thought. Emotional outbursts? Oh, that’s just your passionate side coming out!

  • Daily Life: Keys, phone, wallet – you have a talent for making these items disappear. Time management is a mythical creature you’ve heard of but never met. Relaxing? Only if your body decides to cooperate.

Managing ADHD

  • Medication: Think of it as putting the TV on a slower channel flip. It helps you stay on one channel a bit longer.

  • Therapy: A mental workout where you learn to outsmart your own brain. It's like having a coach for your mind.

  • Lifestyle Changes: Exercise can help burn off that excess energy. A healthy diet keeps your brain running smoothly, and good sleep is like hitting the reset button.

  • Organizational Tools: Planners, apps, and sticky notes are your new best friends. They help keep your brain’s TV guide organized.

  • Support Systems: Friends, family, and fellow ADHD warriors are your team. They get it and help you navigate the craziness.

So, ADHD might make life a bit like a never-ending roller coaster, but with the right tools and support, you can enjoy the ride!

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Yoodo berhenti beroperasi selepas Ogos 2024?


Yoodo, telco digital yang popular kerana membolehkan pengguna memilih pelan mengikut kesesuaian mereka, akan berhenti beroperasi dalam beberapa bulan lagi. Menurut notis di laman web mereka, Yoodo akan ditamatkan pada 29 Ogos 2024. Ini semua sebahagian daripada perjanjian dengan Suruhanjaya Komunikasi dan Multimedia Malaysia (MCMC) lepas penggabungan Celcom dan Digi.

Buat masa ini, pelanggan Yoodo masih boleh guna perkhidmatan Data, Suara, dan SMS tanpa sebarang gangguan. Maklumat lanjut, termasuk pilihan untuk tukar pelan, akan dikongsi pada 17 Jun 2024. Ada kemungkinan pelanggan Yoodo sekarang akan ditawarkan pilihan untuk beralih ke salah satu pelan prabayar CelcomDigi.

Penjualan Yoodo termasuk semua aset, seperti hak harta intelek, pekerjaan staff, kontrak, pajakan, dan semua pelanggan. CelcomDigi perlu cari pembeli baru yang tak berkaitan dengan Celcom, Digi, atau pemegang saham mereka. Sekiranya tiada pembeli, Yoodo perlu berhenti operasi dalam masa 3 bulan selepas tempoh penjualan berakhir, iaitu Ogos 2024. Pada Ogos lepas, CEO CelcomDigi Datuk Idham Nawawi kata ada banyak minat dari pelbagai pihak tempatan dan antarabangsa untuk beli Yoodo. Beliau tekankan kehadiran kuat Yoodo dalam eSports dan harap pemilik baru boleh mengembangkan jenama ini.

Pada Jun 2022, MCMC umumkan yang Yoodo, sebuah Pengendali Rangkaian Maya Mudah Alih (MVNO) di bawah Celcom, perlu dijual dalam tempoh 18 bulan selepas penggabungan dengan Digi selesai. Memandangkan penggabungan selesai pada 30 November 2022, tempoh 18 bulan itu kini telah sampai ke penghujung. Penjualan ini diperlukan untuk memastikan industri telco kekal kompetitif. Selain itu, Celcom dan Digi perlu tubuhkan unit bisnes yang berasingan untuk urus operasi MVNO mereka, memastikan ada pemisahan yang jelas dari bisnes mudah alih runcit yang digabungkan.

Dengan pengumuman terbaru ini, nampaknya CelcomDigi belum berjaya cari pemilik baru untuk Yoodo.

Kesimpulannya, ini adalah perpisahan yang menyedihkan kepada Yoodo, telco kecil yang hebat. Selepas dari tarikh tersebut, tiada lagi 20GB untuk RM20 yang mesra poket, kebebasan untuk memilih pelan mengikut apa yang kita perlu setiap bulan, dan kegembiraan akses 5G percuma. Harap ada pelan-pelan lain yang mampu mengisi kekosongan berbentuk Yoodo dalam hati kita.

Selamat tinggal, Yoodo.

Jadi, lepas ni nak guna pelan apa pula?