Tuesday, April 30, 2024

2024: AstraZeneca Acknowledges Rare Vaccine Side Effects: Seeking Fair Resolution for Affected Families

In a groundbreaking move, AstraZeneca (AZ) finally admitted in court that their COVID-19 vaccine can have rare side effects. This admission could open the floodgates to massive lawsuits, with 51 cases already filed in the High Court, seeking compensation of up to £100 million.

The lawsuits claim that AZ's vaccine, developed with the University of Oxford, can lead to death or serious injury. Although AZ initially denied these allegations, they made several admissions in legal documents filed in February, including the acknowledgment that their vaccine can cause blood clotting in rare cases.

Families like Jamie Scott's, whose life was forever altered by the vaccine, demand not just compensation but also an apology and recognition of the truth. It's been a long fight, but they're determined not to give up.

AZ's belated acknowledgment comes after widespread acceptance in the medical community that their vaccine can cause blood clots. Despite this, AZ emphasizes the vaccine's effectiveness in saving lives.

While the World Health Organization asserts the vaccine's safety and effectiveness, legal actions against AZ highlight the extremely rare adverse effects. The once-celebrated vaccine is no longer used in the UK due to safety concerns, with those under 40 advised to seek alternative options.

Victims of vaccine-related complications argue that the compensation offered by the UK government is insufficient. The Vaccine Damage Payment Scheme aims to provide relief, but many feel it falls short.

AZ's legal battle continues as they defend their vaccine's benefit-risk profile. As one of the UK's largest companies, AZ's market capitalization exceeds £170 billion.

- Agency

-source BHarian

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