Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Adult ADHD In Simple Terms

What is ADHD?

Imagine your brain is like a TV with 500 channels, and someone else has the remote control, flipping through them at random. That’s kinda what ADHD feels like! ADHD stands for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, but let’s break it down in a more relatable way:

  1. Attention Deficit: Your focus is like a cat – it does what it wants. One minute you’re deep into a project, and the next minute, oh look, a squirrel!

  2. Hyperactivity: Ever see a kid who’s had too much sugar? Yeah, that’s your energy level – even when you haven’t had a drop of caffeine. Sitting still is like trying to keep a balloon from floating away.

  3. Impulsivity: Think of it as having a “buy now” button on your brain that sometimes gets stuck. Decisions happen quickly, often with a “YOLO” attitude.

How ADHD Affects Your Life

  • Work: Meetings are like marathons – trying to stay focused is a real challenge. Your desk might look like a tornado hit it, and deadlines sneak up like ninjas.

  • Relationships: You might interrupt people, not because you’re rude, but because your brain just couldn’t wait to share that awesome thought. Emotional outbursts? Oh, that’s just your passionate side coming out!

  • Daily Life: Keys, phone, wallet – you have a talent for making these items disappear. Time management is a mythical creature you’ve heard of but never met. Relaxing? Only if your body decides to cooperate.

Managing ADHD

  • Medication: Think of it as putting the TV on a slower channel flip. It helps you stay on one channel a bit longer.

  • Therapy: A mental workout where you learn to outsmart your own brain. It's like having a coach for your mind.

  • Lifestyle Changes: Exercise can help burn off that excess energy. A healthy diet keeps your brain running smoothly, and good sleep is like hitting the reset button.

  • Organizational Tools: Planners, apps, and sticky notes are your new best friends. They help keep your brain’s TV guide organized.

  • Support Systems: Friends, family, and fellow ADHD warriors are your team. They get it and help you navigate the craziness.

So, ADHD might make life a bit like a never-ending roller coaster, but with the right tools and support, you can enjoy the ride!

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Yoodo berhenti beroperasi selepas Ogos 2024?


Yoodo, telco digital yang popular kerana membolehkan pengguna memilih pelan mengikut kesesuaian mereka, akan berhenti beroperasi dalam beberapa bulan lagi. Menurut notis di laman web mereka, Yoodo akan ditamatkan pada 29 Ogos 2024. Ini semua sebahagian daripada perjanjian dengan Suruhanjaya Komunikasi dan Multimedia Malaysia (MCMC) lepas penggabungan Celcom dan Digi.

Buat masa ini, pelanggan Yoodo masih boleh guna perkhidmatan Data, Suara, dan SMS tanpa sebarang gangguan. Maklumat lanjut, termasuk pilihan untuk tukar pelan, akan dikongsi pada 17 Jun 2024. Ada kemungkinan pelanggan Yoodo sekarang akan ditawarkan pilihan untuk beralih ke salah satu pelan prabayar CelcomDigi.

Penjualan Yoodo termasuk semua aset, seperti hak harta intelek, pekerjaan staff, kontrak, pajakan, dan semua pelanggan. CelcomDigi perlu cari pembeli baru yang tak berkaitan dengan Celcom, Digi, atau pemegang saham mereka. Sekiranya tiada pembeli, Yoodo perlu berhenti operasi dalam masa 3 bulan selepas tempoh penjualan berakhir, iaitu Ogos 2024. Pada Ogos lepas, CEO CelcomDigi Datuk Idham Nawawi kata ada banyak minat dari pelbagai pihak tempatan dan antarabangsa untuk beli Yoodo. Beliau tekankan kehadiran kuat Yoodo dalam eSports dan harap pemilik baru boleh mengembangkan jenama ini.

Pada Jun 2022, MCMC umumkan yang Yoodo, sebuah Pengendali Rangkaian Maya Mudah Alih (MVNO) di bawah Celcom, perlu dijual dalam tempoh 18 bulan selepas penggabungan dengan Digi selesai. Memandangkan penggabungan selesai pada 30 November 2022, tempoh 18 bulan itu kini telah sampai ke penghujung. Penjualan ini diperlukan untuk memastikan industri telco kekal kompetitif. Selain itu, Celcom dan Digi perlu tubuhkan unit bisnes yang berasingan untuk urus operasi MVNO mereka, memastikan ada pemisahan yang jelas dari bisnes mudah alih runcit yang digabungkan.

Dengan pengumuman terbaru ini, nampaknya CelcomDigi belum berjaya cari pemilik baru untuk Yoodo.

Kesimpulannya, ini adalah perpisahan yang menyedihkan kepada Yoodo, telco kecil yang hebat. Selepas dari tarikh tersebut, tiada lagi 20GB untuk RM20 yang mesra poket, kebebasan untuk memilih pelan mengikut apa yang kita perlu setiap bulan, dan kegembiraan akses 5G percuma. Harap ada pelan-pelan lain yang mampu mengisi kekosongan berbentuk Yoodo dalam hati kita.

Selamat tinggal, Yoodo.

Jadi, lepas ni nak guna pelan apa pula?

Monday, May 20, 2024

Yoodo Will be Discontinued August 2024

Yoodo, the popular digital telco known for letting users customize their plans, will sadly stop operating in a couple of months. According to a notice on their website, Yoodo will shut down on 29 August 2024. This is part of an agreement with the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) after the merger of Celcom and Digi.

For now, Yoodo customers can still use their Data, Voice, and SMS services without any interruptions. More details, including options for switching plans, will be shared on 17 June 2024. There is possibility that current Yoodo customers will be offered options to switch to one of CelcomDigi’s prepaid plans.

The sale of Yoodo includes all assets, such as intellectual property rights, staff employment, contracts, leases, and all subscribers. CelcomDigi needed to find a new buyer who is not connected to Celcom, Digi, or their stakeholders. If they couldn't find a buyer, Yoodo would have to stop operations within 3 months after the divestiture period ends, which is August 2024. Last August, CelcomDigi CEO Datuk Idham Nawawi mentioned there was a lot of interest from various local and international parties to buy Yoodo. He emphasized Yoodo's strong presence in eSports and hoped that a new owner could grow the brand.

Back in June 2022, the MCMC announced that Yoodo, a Mobile Virtual Network Operator (MVNO) under Celcom, had to be sold within 18 months after the merger with Digi was completed. Since the merger was finalized on 30 November 2022, the 18-month deadline is now here. This divestment was required to keep the telco industry competitive. Additionally, Celcom and Digi had to set up a separate business unit to manage their MVNO operations, ensuring a clear separation from their retail mobile business.

With this latest announcement, it seems CelcomDigi has not found a new owner for Yoodo.

In conclusion, it’s a sad farewell to Yoodo, the little telco that could. As we brace ourselves for the final curtain call on 29 August 2024, let's remember the good times — those glorious moments of 20GB for RM20, the freedom to customize, and the joy of free 5G access. It's almost like losing a quirky friend who always knew how to save us money. So, let's raise our phones for one last data-filled cheer and hope that there are other affordable plans can somehow fill the Yoodo-shaped hole in our hearts. Farewell, Yoodo, you were truly one in a gigabyte.

Now, what's next?

Thursday, May 2, 2024

Dealing With A Snoring Partner

Dealing with a snoring partner can be a real challenge, but fear not! Here are some tips to help you both catch some Z's without any elbow nudges or grumpy mornings.

Get Those Earplugs Ready

Invest in some high-quality earplugs. Pop those bad boys in, and suddenly, your partner's snoring might sound more like soothing ocean waves (well, maybe).

Pillow Talk

Try adjusting your partner's sleeping position. Sometimes, a simple shift can make all the difference. Pro tip: Elevating their head slightly might help reduce snoring.

White Noise Magic

White noise machines or apps can work wonders. They drown out background noises, including the sound of your partner's snoring, helping you drift off into dreamland.

Nudge Them Gently

If your partner's snoring is waking you up, a gentle nudge might do the trick to get them to change positions or stop snoring temporarily. Just be sure to keep it loving and not like you're starting a wrestling match.

Snore No More Remedies

Encourage your partner to try snoring remedies like nasal strips, throat sprays, or even a new pillow designed to reduce snoring. Teamwork makes the dream work!

Know When to Seek Help

If the snoring is persistent and affecting your sleep and overall health, it might be time for your partner to chat with a doctor. Snoring can sometimes be a sign of an underlying health issue that needs addressing.

Remember, dealing with a snoring partner is all about finding solutions that work for both of you. So, get creative, keep the communication open, and most importantly, don't forget to sneak in those extra cuddles during the waking hours!