Thursday, October 10, 2013

Foods @ Makanan (Oh Sweetnya Terasa)

As I mumbled before I'm in a great chaos situation..

Thus this past 2 months I turned to sweet stuff for comfort..

The feeling of beating the butter by own hand (kita baca dia sebagai pukul butter)..I guess do gave me some comfort..

But the problem comes after that.. I've lost some weight within 8 months and right now I'm gaining 2 kg in 3 months!! 15% gain!! Ufff!!!

Main reason probably there's only 3 people in my house.. My parents n mom is way too picky bout this cake stuff... n dad,right now he has to control his sugar intake..
So you can say everything goes through my belly.. (oh,kadang2 ada la jugak mangsa2 lain seperti kawan2 yg baik hati cakap sedap kat semua yang ada..)

Still, that "Aww,my cake jadii..." feeling still beats the guilt within that temporary moments..

Victoria Sandwich Cake

Devil's Food Chocolate Cake

Congo Bars

Red Velvet Cuppies

I took the recipes from The Kitchen Guardian's blog as I am a keen follower of her blog and Instagram..

Actually i followed many bakers' blogs n Instagram.. Boleh jadi gila tengok makanan yang super duper awesome hari2..

I blame you Instagram for my weight gain!!


  1. you know what...i pun peminat the kitchen guardian..kek die mmg sedappp gileee

    1. Kann..? Simple..less is more.. Adore sangat.. (^_^)
