Sunday, November 15, 2015

Fly Away From Life

Have you been wondering where will your destiny will be if you are not being chained onto your current life? 
If only there is one way ticket with all the things that adequately enough for you to start your new life?
Leaving behind everything without any feelings?

For me, there are part of me that really adore this kind of idea because I feel there is nothing else left for me with my current life. That emptiness that I feel could rather hurt me inside out. The loneliness not from being alone but being with the same people that i knew since forever but there are no sparks in any kind of relationship, neither in friendship, family nor love.

There are says that if you couldn't make peace with what you have then what are you expecting with what will you get in the future. But if a place does not suits you well why should you still be there right?

I am having this emotional entanglement with my life. I have not been able to make any progress as if I'm stuck un-moved for quiet a while. As if few years- awhile.

I really really really need to move forward but somehow I don't know how.

Sighing does not helping right? I need to move my ass for my future self. 
Seeing the world is one of my deep obsession and I need to make my effort to achieve that obsession. I wish.
How I wish

Dear me,
There will be no one else that could help you except for you yourself.
Make your move or forever you will be lost in place you hate.

Flyaway. Fly high and don't look back!

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