Monday, March 28, 2016

Ridiculous Monday

Nowadays social media is a platform of viral-ing everything in our daily life.

I'm telling you one thing based on my Facebook's new feed, bad things spread faster than the good one.

Bad thoughts, the eagerness of telling other people's bad side, catfight, things that can be a spark between two people or two races or even two sides that are different than each other. People keep sharing and posting about this kind of thing.

Cyber-bullies, keyboard warriors, are the bad soul whisperers that can give bad influence and effect towards one's life.

So people.. please..please.. and please be careful with your own thoughts and posts that you put on social media. Most of the people that read it and comment on it it don't actually care about your problem. Their two cents can be a bad thing to you.

Making your life miserable, spreading it out with 'extra-spices' upon the stories and you are the only one that will bare the consequences.

I always believe, words and what we do are some kind of prayers. See it like this, let's take things that you say towards another person is a prayer. If it is granted, good for them and good for you. If it's not, and it get reflected back to you, atleast it's a good words right.

So what happen when you keep talking or in this case posting bad things of other person.

Remember, there will always be karma. Or kifarah. If those bad things you do towards others doesn't get reflected on you, your families or people around you might be the one that bare the consequences.

So, here's a baby giraffe.

P/s: Yeah I'm writing this based on the case of the bride's and bridegroom's family goes on rampage over insufficient dowry. And the reaction that people gave towards it.Sigh..

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