Monday, March 28, 2016

Foods Are Your Allies In Losing Weight- Mumbles

It's funny that I live in an environment that takes the term WEIGHT LOSS as 
Starvation! Excessive Exercises! Not Eating! Eat those slimming pills! Cutting Off Socializing! A single piece of carrot a day!
No Food Allowed!
 No Food Allowed! 
No Food Allowed!


I guess that's how my family and friends especially the ladies ( you know aunts, cousins, grandmas) view me nowadays. Coz everytime I went back or seeing my relatives especially, they'll try to feed me with foods as if I'm a kid that's been starving a long long long time. It's funny though.

Yeah, I have been losing 20kg or 44 pounds throughout these 3 years ( with soooo manytimes of up and down). But I never starved my self. Or do excessive exercise and such things.

Exercise moderately 3x a week is enough. For me.
But, the quality of the foods that you consume is the main important things in order to cutting of those weight. Only if you can't go with quality then you can go with quantity.

Nowadays it is easier to find information on what to eat or what not to eat. What is good for you or what is bad.
It's just that how you use all of that knowledge in order to to keep on your goals.

Foods are what build you, your body and soul. If you keep yourself in a starvation mode for a long time, there will many bad complication upon your body rather than a good one. For example:
  • Your metabolic rate will drop rapidly, thus your body can't burn those fat faster.
  • Your body will lose the optimal condition to function
  • Brain cannot function too!!
  • Emotional changes as your hormones go haywire
  • Binge eating later and your body will go Ka-Pooff!!
You get what I'm saying right

So, eat right. There are a lot of websites, pages that can teach you on how to. and probably gives you better recipes that you might like it. 

Like "Eating Peanut Butter and still losing weight!"
"Guilt-less Triple Chocolate Cake"

Lol, I love these kind of posts.

Below I'm sharing with you types of info that I got from Instagram (Yeah, I print screen them for my own references.)

These are from Shredz. ( I hope they are okay with me posting this in my blog)
They got quite cool inspirational posts on getting fit and weightloss.

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