Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Scarlet Heart Ryeo - Falling for the character

This character!

I know character in dramas or movies are just the variables of actor's projection. But, this one! 
Lol.. The actor portrayed this character with great depth I must say. 

To Mr Lee Joong Gi, cheers to you!

Scarlet Heart Ryeo is great, I don't have any comment about it. The wardrobe and background are even better, It's just, the angle is just a bot weird, how should I say this, erm.. a bit loss? There's some hole here and there that they could fill it with better ways. But, hey, it's a view from someone that knows nothing about acting and even production, so, spare me. Lol.

In the end, a drama is something that you should just enjoy watching it right? Take the comments as something to improve in the future. But as for the viewers, chill and just watch the freaking awesome dramas!hahaha..

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