Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Uncle Roger Review GORDON RAMSAY Fried Rice Haiyaa

Nasi Goreng or Fried Rice is sort of staple throughout few countries in Asia. Nasi goreng, NasGor, Bokkeum-bap, Omurice, Khao Kluk Kapi. Chahan and etc might be the variations of fried rice. 

Foods are fun , same goes to fried rice I must say. For example, here in Malaysia, you can find like a long list of different types of fried rice if you go to a restaurant any stalls. Depends on where you go, you can get any types of fried rice with variable price. I mean, if you are buying it from hotel's restaurant, fine-dining or the 'hype' kind of restaurant, you can have a RM40 worth of fried rice (around $10), and if you go to any stalls or even the usual restaurant that you can see the locals go they're just around RM4-6 (around $1-1.5). Of course you can see the difference in presentation and ingredients, but depends on your preferences. 

It is 10pm and now I am hungry. gosh.

Why Nasi Goreng all of the sudden? 

I just watched Uncle Roger review Gordon Ramsay's Fried Rice. Every thing there just hit the spot on my life. From smack like your parents smacked you, wok hei, haiya, fuyyoh and everything else. Especially when he said Asian people has two kitchen, indoor kitchen and outside kitchen. LOL! That's true about wet kitchen and dry kitchen. Up till now I'm confused why. Dry kitchen is the nice sparkling place for others to see, while wet kitchen is the place of war. ROFL.
Well watch em below: 

Friday, September 18, 2020

Another year yet feeling common

It has been a year since my last post. Lol. Talk about trying to commit. Let see.. I am still trying to find myself. Nothing much has changed actually. Still drowning and barely keeps my mind intact. Bruh.. 

2020 is too mainstream if I must say. COVID-19 has been the main theme of this year. My country had one of those lock down phase and still currently under movement control order but less strict compare to those during total lock down.

One thing I learned during the lock down was I am happy by myself, totally. Things goes like this. I was by myself during the total lock down, for one and a half month as my parents was stucked at another state. Those 46 days was my healthiest and happiest days I had within the past years of my life. I manage to do proper gardening, cleaning, cooking, doing my jobs from home and even managed to cut down my weight and have that happy glow as per my friend's words. My 'cloudy' episodes were less severe, or should I say almost none. I woke up early, managed to do my simple workout, eat home cooked meals, and having a stress-free life I must say. Total bliss.

Don't get me wrong, I love my parents. But as soon as they came back, I started to be depressed again. I mean, those moments of hard to get out from bed, rarely eat at home, binge eating outside, everything went straight back into my routines once I am with them. Gosh. I am in a deep shit right now right?

haih.. I need help.