Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Clean Eating or Just Trying To Find Balance in Everything?

Around two years ago I went to a medical check up and doctor told me I was Obese. Note that I was always an overweight girl throughout my years growing up and already adapt to the idea of Being-Heavy..

But, when doctor said the word Obese, I was like "Oh, did I just exceed my limit??"
With the longgg nag from the doctor and somehow "friendly" nurse about every single sickness that I could guess, the mind started to ponder. 

The first step was hard.. like really really really really hard.. I was not quiet a sport person type and my favourite foods was always fast foods. During my uni life, i would probably went to McDonalds almost everyday with Spicy chicken McDeluxe wit nuggets, icecream,pies and extra fries as side dished.. lol..

(Did I mentioned bout my weight? I was 76kg or in pound would be around 168 lb)

Yeah for some it is not that heavy, but that amount gave enough pressure on my kinda injured back to annoyed me with pain.

Somehow I managed to persuade myself to cut out the fast food and went for swim. (I should not put it as swim cause I don,t really know how to.. let just say I self taught my self to move from one point to another with muchhhh effort.. hahahaha..)

After a year I manage to cut out more than 10kg. (yeah..it's a long run but atleast the weight ain't come back..)

Only in the second year that I learn bout the terms of clean eating, all types of diets, HIIT, cardio, weight training, calories intake, metabolic rate, all sort of stuff.. And I've met many awesome people along the way..

Though I've managed to put out 16kg.. the struggle is still there.. Maybe it's about emotional state that I should learn on how to control.. My mind is still saying I'm that obese girl.. sigh..

There's one part of me telling my self bout how I should control my food intake.. All 'clean', less sugar, less salt, organic, self prepared and all.. But believe me, in the world where I lived, it's a hard one.. Malaysian food are known for the spice, cholestrol-ish,oilish and with those the balance must come with salty and sugary dishes. It's quiet a struggle to restrain yourself from the foods we grew up with. And worse, the environment, the people around us does not understand the struggle and keep sarcastically telling us how unworthy all the efforts are.. 

Being in the situation, I learn to find a peace in between. I just eat like normal people, but trying (quiet hard) to control the portion and having the healthiest choice that I could make. It is still hard for other people to accept that way, but at least I compromise with myself.. what I want..

People will feel intimidate when they see or know something that are different from their normal life believes. And when they see others achieving their goals with that 'differences' , people will either be scared or supportive. That's how life goes..

So, let's end this mumbling with food pics.. There are times I tried to be lean so I prepared my meal.. I tried..I tried..(^_^)

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