Thursday, June 18, 2015

Traffic jam Oh-SO-AweSomEe-NOT

Who loves getting stuck in a traffic?
If there's anyone that actually even like to be in such condition, maybe he/she is a pure hearted-city born. Too pure to be true..Lol.
You see,they keep telling us when all new highways are completed, traffic issues will be solved. Guess what, the flow always be like this
Heavy traffic -> Additional Lane Road Project -> Bare heavier traffic caused by the project -> Roads wider,but cars are just increasing in numbers ,still heavy traffic -> New projects (eg : Highway) -> Under construction please bare with the traffic -> And so on
Keeps repeating.. I'm talking about the city.. The already congested city.. No matter how many new highways and road projects are there, the way I view this, they are just trying to cater all the increasing number of cars on the road rather than trying to figure out how to reduce the amount of cars especially during peak hours.
Yeah,I'm one of those person that find it is hard to be on the wheel in my city but also find it is hard to be on the public transport as the connection from one to another is quiet erm inconvenient..
Back in my uni times,I learn about the sustainable city planning. Having to visualize this concept to be adapt upon the city is actually excites me. But visualizing is much much much more easier than implementing right?
I don't know what when wrong that I did not pursue my excitement, everything actually went wrong..but hey, that's a new chap.. In the mean time, play it cool, laugh, and hit those gas on the kinda-clear road!! Oh yeahh!

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