Sunday, June 21, 2015

Oat Oatmeal Oatlala

I love oats!!
Well there I say it..
There are times where I really2 hate emm..The times when people said I should eat it coz its good for body,heart, cholestrol yada yada yada..
I actually forced myself to eat those full bowl..
After quite awhile and I already getting used to the taste,hey,its actually okay,fulfilling my always-hungry tummy and I can have em in any way I want it too..

Ermm yummm... (^_^)
Another reason for me to love oats is that less time consuming.. Instant oat is much more instant-er to cook than instant noodles!!lol!
I always had those overnight oats when I know its gonna be a chaostic morning on the next day..
Even cooking rice takes time,so I will just substitute my carbs with oats..


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