Thursday, December 22, 2022

Dump Diary



Jade Place

I need some sort of idea on what to write. And how to write as well. Oh, and where.

I want to sell.

I want to learn about business and finance. 

I want to write and design.

I want to learn all the languages available in the world.

I want to travel.

I want to learn photograph.

I want to paint.

I want to know how to solve mediocre equations.

I want to know everything there is in the world.

I want to be someone who memorize the Quran and understands it to the core.

I want to learn about every other religions and beliefs in the world and understand why are they saying stuff as they said.

I want to learn on how to cook and gardening perfectly.

I want to learn how to build, sew and doing everything by myself.

But I am afraid.

Afraid to live a life.



Jade Place

I think I am stuck in a very bad loop of habit of doing nothing in order to do everything.

Help Help Help



Jade Place

My uncle and the family got tested positive for Covid today. I am worried. But then I told myself, they got each other, so I do not need to get worry and stuff. Worry about your life first, as you are by yourself.

I started to take a step to improve my life. I already made an appointment for my backpain treatment at a chiropractor clinic. Though I am not sure where. Lol.

And I think I was going to try a counseling sesh on my mental state. To reach out is hard but I will still try. I hope I can improve my life from now. I want to live my life to the fullest, not just breathing like what I am doing right now.

Tuesday, December 6, 2022

Dump Diary



Jade Place

Blank is not even a strange concept in my life. I want to start something somewhere but from where.

I have been drowning for too long that I forgot to actually breath properly. I miss the crazy bubbly nut job me many years back.

I should have listen upon moving out from my parents' house many years back. I might recover from my mental exhaustion if I did.

Mentally drained is the correct words to use. I know the person that should be blamed for one life is one self, but my parents do take part in it somehow. 

Started with being a chauffeur for my mom to/from her school because my dad kept nagging as he need to send and pick her up. Then the house work then everything.

Their fights and arguments are the things that I hate the most since I was a kid. They don't fight with proper communication path but my dad will dominantly use few hurtful and dominant words, my mom will get angry but kept her silent and end up pouring those all out on me. I hate those. I hate those. I miss my aunt too much.

I am almost 33 but still unable to express and get my own resolution in life. God help. The longer I stay with parents in their house ,the heavier the burden I need to carry. My mental state is getting worse.

It is not that I am not being grateful that my parents are still around and I am living with them, but I need my own life too instead living for them. 

Collin was right all along. I should have let them handle their own shit. If they want to fight then let them fight! Messy house, let them be in their own messy house. 

Why should I be in charge when they themselves never bother about their own parents.

This is me releasing my stress here, with my own thought that I know will hurt many if it got spilled. Thus I hope whatever I wrote end here. Anyone that read this, please do understand, I don't have anyone to talk to about my concern my feelings after my aunt and Collin passed away. So just read it silently. Thank you.

Now, I want to enter the digital world. And I need to find my own way and add hustle on it. Wish me luck. And I will always wish you guys the same abundant of luck too.



Jade Place

Not sure for how many years I have been in this kind of feelings, situation and clouds. I feel hazy about life but I also to die just because I want to is not a choice. Gosh.

I have no path in life.  I wonder why?

I have no emotion in pursuing what ever there is in life. Yet I am still breathing.

I feel like I have been spending my life in a terrible manners but I still do nothing about it. 

Suicidal phase, I have been through it but it just a faint idea. The thought is still there though.


(I am re-evaluating what I wrote. Do know that suicide is not a solution. It might trigger more ripples in other people's life. And as people with faith, you do know the ending for suicide is not all happy yeeehuu, right? But we are just a mere human being with such fragile emotions. The thoughts are inevitable, but we could always try to get back to the path.)

How To Figure Out What We Really Want In Life

Throughout our life, we often kidnap ourselves from the life that we actually want

because we think a different path is going to help us survive, pay our bills, or meet our needs in the world. We never managed on to actually figuring out what we really want in life.

Pull out a journal and start by writing,


"I'm my own kidnapper."


List all of the ways over the years that you silenced the truth of what you actually want, all of the times that you took yourself captive on soul-crushing journeys that you didn't even want to be on.

Think about how so many of us choose majors in college or career paths that we don't even want to be on, because we think it will help us survive or meet our needs in the world. But it doesn't have to be that way.


Ask yourself,

"Where am I kidnapping myself from the life that I really want?"

"How am I giving away my power, getting into fear, just to meet my needs in the world?"


When we go into fear, we give away our power and we disconnect from who we really are and what we really want. Somehow, there are three key steps that you can take right now and call it a "U-Turn" which is the decision to get out of fear and come home to yourself.



Ask yourself,

"Where am I holding myself captive?"


This means being honest with yourself about where you are, what's working for you, and

what isn't. If you think about it, we come into the world, our natural state is with so much love, creativity , think about kids, they have inspiration and yet over time we're taught to fear.

And fear is a necessary inner alarm system that we all need to survive in the physical world.


Think about it.


We learn to look both ways before we cross the street.

We learn not to touch the stove when it's hot.

We learn not to talk to strangers.

But over time, we get hurt.

Life throws us curve balls.

We learn to stop taking risks and start being afraid.

We get afraid to put ourselves out there.

We start calling ourselves "practical" or "realistic"for making choices that seem "responsible" when really we're just so scared of criticism.

And if we're being really honest with ourselves, people who call themselves realists are often just dreamers who got their hearts broken somewhere along the way.

So how do you make a you-turn?

You do a self audit.

You come home to yourself.

And that's why one of my favorite questions to ask people is,


"What do you know that you wish you didn't know?"


Maybe some of you, deep down know that you're hiding from the truth. Maybe you're hiding from the fact that you hate your job, but you won't admit it because you're scared and you don't know where to go next.

Or maybe you're hiding from the fact that you married the wrong person, but you're scared to admit it because it's going to unravel your life to get a divorce.

Or maybe you know that something is going on with your health, but you're scared to go to the doctor because you don't want to hear the diagnosis.

Whatever it is, tap into what's deeply true for you, seeing things as they are - not worse than they are, not better than they are, but as they actually are.

In order to figure out what you really want, you need to see the truth of where you are. And maybe right now you feel pain bubbling up inside of you as you look at what's true for you.

But know this, pain is often a trampoline that will launch us into our next stage of life

if we're willing to let it.



Pay attention to what feels good to you so that you can finally set yourself free. But, 

"How do I feel what feels good?"


We live in a world right now of Internet trolls and tweets and text messages, and the data is officially in, we are so connected that we're somehow, according to research, more disconnected than ever.

We've heard it all before. "Do what you love, and the money will follow." Or my least favourite piece of advice, "Follow your passion." These short expressions are often a fast track to nowhere. But when you learn to really follow what feels good to you, your purpose is often either right in front of you or on the periphery of that.


"Well, how do I really connect to my body? How do I feel what feels good?”


Right now, scientists are calling our gut "our second brain," and you've probably heard the research that suggests that there's more than 200 million neurons in our gut, which is equivalent to the size of a cat or dog's brain.


So what does that mean to you? That means if in your nervous system you're feeling some sort of anxiety or disconnect, some nerves, something feels off, to trust it because your body is a messenger and it is constantly giving you feedback.

But who you are at age 25 isn't going to be who you are at age 30, and it certainly isn't going to be who you are at age 40.

See your career as an experiment that really meets you where you are - a vehicle for your own self-expression. You can start with writing down all of your ideas and checking in with your body, seeing how they feel to you.

Do you feel joy?

Or do you feel fear?

Do you feel expansion?

Or do you feel contraction?

Do you feel liberation?

Or do you feel suffocation?


There is this one tool called The Joy Journal.

When you're feeling disconnected, for 30 days, take the time to write down every single moment - that moment that lit you up the most every single day.

Even if it's the woman you talk to in the bathroom line at the club or the meeting you led at work. Pay attention.

And at the end of the 30 days, take note of if there's any patterns in your inspiration. Really ask yourself, "What skill set am I using when I'm the most inspired?" Because when you're in your inspiration, you're not being run or kidnapped by your fear.



Needless to say, your cute little joy journal isn't going to get you that love interest that you've been pining over or that dream job that you really want. Action will. But perfectionism is the enemy of action.And often, perfectionism is a mask that we all wear when we're afraid of failure.


So ask yourself, "Am I a perfectionist?"

Because here's the truth of the matter. Clarity comes from engagement. It does not come from thought. Limbo is powerless.

So if you want to be powerful, look at your list, pick something that feels good.

Show up, see what feedback the universe gives you, make a commitment, and know that you can course-correct along the way.


Think about how the truth always really does leave clues.

We all have the opportunity to free ourselves. And it starts with really taking a look at who you are.

Doing a self audit.

Following what feels good.

And taking action.

No matter where you are in your life right now, you have the opportunity to make a you-turn.

That means connecting to the truth.

Connecting to your body.

Connecting to your joy.

Most of all, that means making your U-TURN.

~ inspired by a talk I listened to today~

Sunday, December 4, 2022

Dump Diary

This is where I dumped my words that I have wrote previously. Until it catch up with my current life.


3.59 pm

DNA Workspace

Listening to god knows what songs are these, something called work - coffee playlist in Youtube.

My mind is completely blank right now.

I have been telling my self to restart my life for the past 10 years but I just let it came by just like that.

Wanted to do everything but never get to settle on how to start.

I have lost friends in the way. The lost of no connection ya, not the 'hey! I'm not your friend anymore!'. Kids, life is not easy as you grow up.

The only new thing in my life currently is I now have a pet. Yes, me! The person who always have a connection problem is having a pet.

The cat who used to be in the back alley of my house, lost for 2 months, came back and end up staying with us. With me to be precise as he already invaded my room completely.

I am trying to learn to accept life as it is. To love without fear of losing.

Not easy I must say. Once in a while I still hug the cat asking, no, pleading that may he lives long or at least longer than me.

Fear of abandonment is real. All the lost I had for the past 12 years still yet to let me move forward.

It is never to late until you yourself say it is.

At least I have another creature to talk to at home nowadays.

Talking about my uncertainties in life, I have no single ideas on how to live. Let alone building own career on this current situation. I have no objective in life and I always feel lost in every way I could. God help me. Assign me a path for me to go through as I have no way in to go .

Alright. To whoever that might reading this rant right now, I hope you are well and may your life received enough sunshine in every sort of way.

The cat took the bed. Lol



DNA workspace

Well, almost a month has pass by. But nothing really change.

It is me right?

Outside is raining right now. Cold day, as cold as my soul.

People are still looking for me when they got nobody to turn to.

I love my friends but I think everyone keep using me ever since forever.



Outside of my house




Jade Place

Blank is not even a strange concept in my life. I want to start something somewhere but from where.

I have been drowning for too long that I forgot to actually breath properly. I miss the crazy bubbly nut job me many years back.

I should have listen upon moving out from my parents' house many years back. I might recover from my mental exhaustion if I did.

Mentally drained is the correct words to use. I know the person that should be blamed for one life is one self, but my parents do take part in it somehow. 

Started with being a chaffeur for my mom to/from her school because my dad kept nagging as he need to send and pick her up. Then the house work then everything.

Their fights and arguments are the things that I hate the most since I was a kid. They don't fight with proper communication path but my dad will dominantly use few hurtful and dominant words, my mom will get angry but kept her silent and end up pouring those all out on me. I hate those. I hate those. I miss my aunt too much.

I am 30 but still unable to express and get my own resolution in life. God help. The longer I stay with parents in their house ,the heavier the burden I need to carry. My mental state is getting worse.

It is not that I am not being grateful that my parents are still around and I am living with them, but I need my own life too instead living for them. 

Collin was right all along. I should have let them handle their own shit. If they want to fight then let them fight! Messy house, let them be in their own messy house. 

Why should I be in charge when they themselves never bother about their own parents.

This is me releasing my stress here, with my own thought that I know will hurt many if it got spilled. Thus I hope whatever I wrote end here. Anyone that read this, please do understand, I don't have anyone to take about my concern my feelings after my aunt and Collin passed away. So just read it silently. Thank you.

Now, I want to enter the digital world. And I need to find my own way and add hustle on it. Wish me luck. And I will always wish you guys the same abundant of luck too.