Tuesday, September 20, 2016



Fakta saintifik yang ingin saya kongsikan ini disebarkan melalui group Doktor veterinar.
Masya Allah, semakin maju penelitian ilmiah secara saintifik, semakin banyak bukti kebenaran bahawa Islam itu sejahtera. Ternyata syariat penyembelihan Islam ini membuat ramai saintis barat terkejut.
Perhatikan fakta berikut,
1. Rasulullah SAW tidak pernah belajar cardiology tapi kebenaran syari’atnya dapat dibuktikan melalui penelitian saintifik.
2. Penelitian ilmiah telah dilakukan oleh dua saintis penternakan dari Hannover University, sebuah universiti terkemuka di Jerman, iaitu Prof. Dr. Schultz dan Dr. Hazim. Keduanya memimpin satu tim penelitian terstruktur untuk menjawab pertanyaan: “Manakah yang lebih baik dan paling tidak sakit, penyembelihan secara Syari’at Islam yang murni (tanpa proses pemengsanan) ataukah penyembelihan dengan cara Barat (dengan pemengsanan)?”.
3. Mereka berdua merancang penelitian yang sangat canggih ke atas sekelompok lembu yang telah cukup umur (dewasa). Pada permukaan otak kecil haiwan itu dipasang elektrod (microchip) yang disebut Electro-Encephalograph (EEG). Microchip EEG ini dipasang di permukaan otak yang menyentuh titik (panel) rasa sakit di permukaan otak untuk merakam dan mencatat darjah kesakitan ketika disembelih. Di jantung haiwan itu juga dipasang Electro Cardiograph (ECG) untuk merakam aktiviti jantung saat darah keluar selepas disembelih.
4. Untuk menambah kejituan ujikaji, lembu dibiarkan beradaptasi dengan EEG dan ECG yang telah terpasang di tubuhnya selama beberapa minggu. Setelah masa adaptasi dianggap cukup, maka separuh daripada jumlahnya disembelih mengikut Syariat Islam. Separuh lagi disembelih dengan menggunakan kaedah pemengsanan yang diadapsi oleh industri penyembelihan di Barat.
5. Dalam Syariat Islam, penyembelihan dilakukan dengan menggunakan pisau yang tajam untuk memotong tiga saluran pada leher bahagian hadapan, iaitu saluran makanan, saluran pernafasan serta dua saluran pembuluh darah (arteri karotis dan vena jugularis).
6. Syariat Islam tidak menganjurkan teknik pemengsanan sepertimana diamalkan oleh Barat yang menganjurkan agar ternakan dipengsankan terlebih dahulu sebelum disembelih.
7. Sepanjang penelitian, EEG dan ECG pada seluruh ternakan itu dirakam untuk mengetahui keadaan otak dan jantung sejak sebelum pemengsanan /penyembelihan hingga ternakan itu benar-benar mati. Hasil penelitian yang dilakukan dan dilaporkan oleh Prof. Schultz dan Dr. Hazim di Hannover University Jerman inilah yang sangat perlu kita tahu !
- Pada 3 detik pertama setelah ternakan disembelih dan 3 saluran pada leher bahgian depan terputus, didapati tiada perubahan pada grafik EEG. Ini bermakna pada 3 detik pertama setelah disembelih, tidak ada indikasi rasa sakit.
- Pada 3 detik berikutnya, EEG pada otak kecil merakam adanya penurunan grafik secara bertahap yang sangat mirip dengan kejadian deep sleep (tidur nyenyak) hingga ternakan itu benar-benar hilang kesedaran. Pada saat itu, ECG mencatat bahwa jantung mulai meningkatkan aktivitinya.
- Setelah 6 detik pertama itu, ECG pada jantung merakam adanya aktiviti luar biasa dari jantung untuk menarik sebanyak mungkin darah dari seluruh anggota tubuh dan mengepamnya keluar. Ini merupakan refleksi gerakan koordinasi antara jantung dan sumsum tulang belakang (spinal cord). Pada saat darah keluar melalui saluran darah di leher yang terputus, grafik EEG tidak naik, sebaliknya turun sampai ke sifar. Ini diterjemahkan oleh panel pengkaji bahwa: “tidak ada rasa sakit sama sekali !!”.
- Oleh kerana darah tertarik dan dipam keluar dari tubuh oleh jantung secara maksimal, maka terhasillah ‘healthy meat’ (daging yang sihat) untuk dikonsumsi oleh manusia. Jenis daging dari hasil sembelihan ini menepati prinsip GMP (Good Manufacturing Practise) dalam menghasilkan ‘Healthy Food’.
- Ternakan terlebih dahulu dilakukan proses stunning (pemengsanan) sehingga terhuyung hayang dan rebah kononnya untuk mudah dikendali. Ternakan dengan mudah dapat disembelih tanpa meronta-ronta, bahkan seolah-olah tanpa mengalami rasa sakit. Pada saat disembelih, darah yang keluar hanya sedikit, tidak sebanyak bila disembelih tanpa proses ‘stunning’ (pemengsanan).
- Setelah proses pemengsanan, tercatat adanya kenaikan yang sangat nyata pada grafik EEG. Ini pertanda adanya tekanan rasa sakit yang dideritai oleh ternakan. Proses ‘stunning’ menggunakan elektrik atau memukul kepala itu sendiri adalah satu kesakitan yang amat sangat.
- Grafik EEG juga meningkat sangat tajam sedangkan grafik ECG jatuh ke tahap paling bawah. Ini pertanda adanya peningkatan rasa sakit yang luar biasa sehingga degup jantung berhenti lebih awal. Akibatnya, jantung hilang kemampuannya untuk menarik darah dari seluruh tubuh dan tidak mampu mengepamnya keluar dari tubuh dengan sempurna.
- Kerana darah tidak tertarik dan dipam keluar dari tubuh secara maksimal, maka ia akan membeku di dalam urat-urat darah dan daging. Ini menghasilkan ‘unhealthy meat’ (daging yang tidak sihat) dan menjadikannya tidak layak untuk dikonsumsi oleh manusia.
- Disebutkan dalam khazanah ilmu dan teknologi daging (meat science), bahwa darah beku yang tidak keluar saat ternakan mati disembelih menjadi media yang sangat baik bagi bakteria yang merupakan agen perosak kepada kualiti daging. Segala sisa antibiotik, ubat-ubatan atau semua unsur tidak sihat yang sedang beredar dalam darah yang tertinggal itu juga boleh memudaratkan kesihatan manusia.
Meronta-ronta dan meregangkan otot selepas ternakan disembelih ternyata bukanlah ekspresi rasa sakit. Sangat jauh berbeza dari dugaan kita sebelumnya! Bahkan mungkin sudah lazim menjadi keyakinan kita bahwa setiap darah yang keluar dari anggota tubuh yang terluka, pastilah disertai rasa sakit dan ngeri. Terlebih lagi yang terluka adalah leher dengan luka terbuka yang menganga lebar…!
Hasil penelitian Prof. Schultz dan Dr. Hazim justru membuktikan yang sebaliknya. Pisau tajam yang mengiris leher sepertimana disyariatkan Islam dalam penyembelihan ternakan ternyata tidak ‘menyentuh’ saraf rasa sakit.
Bacaan EEG yang tidak menunjukkan rasa sakit itu membuatkan kedua-dua saintis menyimpulkan bahwa lembu yang meronta atau meregangkan otot selepas disembelih bukanlah sebagai ekspresi rasa sakit. Ia adalah satu fenomena ‘kejutan otot dan saraf’ pada saat darah mengalir keluar dengan deras.
Memang selalu ada jawapan dari setiap pertanyaan tentang kebenaran Islam. Selalu ada pengukuhan fakta yang dapat dibuktikan dari setiap perintah Allah. Sebarang usaha memperlekehkan agama ini dari musuh Dien-Nya pasti akan terjawab jika kita rajin mengkaji dan meneliti.
Sebenarnya, sudah tidak ada alasan lagi untuk menyimpan rasa tidak tega melihat proses penyembelihan kurban apabila kita sudah tahu bahwa ternakan tersebut tidak merasa sakit ketika disembelih. Dan yang paling penting, kita dapat mengerti hikmah dari salah satu Syariah Islam dan keberkahan yang tersembunyi di dalamnya.
Oleh itu jangan sekali-kali makan daging haiwan yang tidak disembelih mengikut syariat Islam.
Semuga perkongsian ini bermanfaat.

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Scarlet Heart Ryeo - Falling for the character

This character!

I know character in dramas or movies are just the variables of actor's projection. But, this one! 
Lol.. The actor portrayed this character with great depth I must say. 

To Mr Lee Joong Gi, cheers to you!

Scarlet Heart Ryeo is great, I don't have any comment about it. The wardrobe and background are even better, It's just, the angle is just a bot weird, how should I say this, erm.. a bit loss? There's some hole here and there that they could fill it with better ways. But, hey, it's a view from someone that knows nothing about acting and even production, so, spare me. Lol.

In the end, a drama is something that you should just enjoy watching it right? Take the comments as something to improve in the future. But as for the viewers, chill and just watch the freaking awesome dramas!hahaha..

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Hidup Beku

Jam menunjukkan pukul 5 pagi hari Merdeka. Tapi hati aku sikit pon tak rasa apa. Merdeka. Apa maksud merdeka? Entahlah. Sumpah aku tak tahu. Hati aku masih sama. Kosong. Pemikiran aku juga kadang kala kosong. 

Hidup dengan depresi bukan sesuatu yang mudah. Macam ada sesuatu yang sering menarik jiwa setiap kali rasa ingin bebas itu muncul. 

Mungkin aku yang membelenggu diri sendiri. Mungkin. Mungkin kesedihan yang lama itu terkumpul patut diluahkan bagi merungkai rantaian bodoh dalam diri.

Tapi aku tak percaya orang. Rahsia aku segalanya hanya pada Allah. Entahlah.

Semoga kita semua merdeka.

Merdeka dari kebodohan diri.

Merdeka dari penyakit hati.

Merdeka dari segalanya.

Friday, August 5, 2016


I can't sleep. 

Creep - Radiohead

Congo Bars a.k.a Blondies..Oh My Prada!!

Sometimes I do surprise my self with my own abilities..hahaha....Like seriously.. 
I could baked when I'm stressed out.. and it always turns out great. But when it comes to leisure, it will turn out like, lack of here and there.. You know that depression and food cycle like depression leads to Over Binge and Over Binge leads to more Depression.
Yup..that's me.. Sigh.. I took great care of myself for the past 3 years, but somehow closed people around me are making me depress again and I end up not wanting to take care of my self. I just let everything go. I consumed my caffeine , sugar and carbs as if I never had them before. And exercising? Hell no..

I need to resurrect my self.. To anyone that actually know how to, please, tell me how..

Okay, let's get back to this. I actually made this out of serious stress condition. But it turned out well,so let's put a humble recipe here..hahaha..

Congo Bars a.k.a Blondies a.k.a Nak Kata Biskut Tak Biskut Nak Kata Kek Tak Kek

Recipe from: The Kitchen Guardian

2 3/4 cup all purpose flour
2 1/2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
2/3 cup butter, I used Anchor, Tatura has not been giving the right taste and texture lately!
1 lb light brown sugar, I used 12 oz only thank God!
3 large eggs
1 tsp vanilla
11.5 oz milk chocolate chip, I used 250g chopped Valrhona

1 cup pecans, I didn't have any, so skipped this.
Sift flour, baking powder and salt into a large bowl.
Stir brown sugar and softened butter, until all butter disappears and well incorporated.
Add eggs one at a time, stir well. Add vanilla.
Add chocolate chips and nuts, mix well.
Add dry mixture ie flour, baking powder and salt.
Bake ina 13/9 inch pan at 170 degrees Celcius for about 30 minutes or until the top is golden. Like baking Brownies, never over bake or you will have a hard brownie!

Normally I will cut down the amount of sugar as I can't consume things that incredibly sweet. Well I like sweet stuffs but not that hyper sweet. And I'm already sweet so why need more sugar..Lol!

The thing is, people at my house doesn't eat such things that I baked. I'm too modern I guess. So, sometimes all end up in my tummy. Gosh..

Till then.

Thursday, August 4, 2016


How did I get to this song? 
The lyrics (translation of course) stabbed me right thru my heart.

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Annyeonghaseyo!! Correct ah?

Let me tell you a story. I was never a person that has the keen attitude onto something or someone.

Even when everyone was a Hard-to-die-fans for some cute Korean actor or singer, I am so sure that I can't be bothered by those.. What, Lee Min Ho? Daebak? Oppa? haha..(To tell you the truth at one time I hate the term oppa as everyone around me kept repeating oppa oppa aneyong aneyong..they don't even pronounce it properly..sigh.. =_=')
I think the Korean-effect at Malaysia started during those Winter Sonata series. Seriously, during that time every girl was dreaming for soft kind of person like the main actor in that series. Like- ahhh Pleasee... I was in my Form 2 that time and still in the world of Card Captor Sakura.. hahaha.. Winter Sonata was during what year? 2002? It's been 14 years since the wave hits Malaysia. Since then girls especially fell head to toe to everything that Made-of-Korea. Yeahhh... till now...

Truth, I do watch Korean movies and dramas. Same goes to other countries' if they are good. Probably the first drama I like was Goong-Princess Hours. But I just watch it like,oh great.. Nothing "ahh!!So-cute!!" But I like the songs though.

Running Man! Ohmygoshh who does not know about the greatness of Running Man?? Well, actually I don't.. Atleast not until recent years... Lol. Yeah.. But I don't really get it at first.. Only after few episode, then, ah-hah!!

I am going to stress this out. It is not that I hate Korea. Its was just that when everyone around me getting tooo excited, it just annoyed me and I end up avoiding it.. that's all.. Daehan Minguk!!

But currently I actually fell for 2 Days 1 Night Series.. I don't know why.. Probably they are acting- naturally and mean games..no..harsh is better and softer word to use. Lol.
But seriously la weh.. It's addictive and I only watch the season 3 episodes as they're looking very well-together.

Plus why is it everytime they eat something, everything looks soo good?hahaha.. I guess that's the reason I'm gainig few kg since I started watching this show..  huh..

The problem is that, I fell for their culture and language. It sounds so much more complicated than English or Malay but it has that soft kind of language compare to Mandarin. (I supposed to learn Mandarin but I can;t find the urge to do so..Gosh.. Wake up Girl..You need Mandarin more than other language.)

But. I think I'm going with Korean language for now.. And to learn the language, I watched Return Of The Superman as for some basic words like 'podo' means grape..hahaha..Sorry guys..I love kids but what they eat are way more interesting.huuuu..

Easily bored, can't focused and greed. Those are my problem. Please tell me how should I solve these? I want to learn Mandarin. I want to learn Korean language and culture. And I also want to learn Spanish. Aigoo-yaa...Lol.

Probably that's the reason I can't manage my own life. sigh.

Anyone out there..Do help me.. 

Monday, August 1, 2016

Random Monday

" If you talk talk to a man in language he understands, 
that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his own language,
 that goes to his heart." 
- Nelson Mandela

I should learn new language.. To find myself in other's language..
Should I do that?

Friday, July 22, 2016

A letter to self

Dear me,

Please use your time wisely. You ain't gonna get those back, not now not ever. Life is going to pass through you without you knowing. You had paused your life for so many years for others and they don't even appreciate it. Please stop being such a fool and live your own life as you wish. If they want to do anything, let them sort it by them selves. Stop being that Always-There person. Stop. Just Stop.

You realize that no body is going to be there for you when you needed one. They will always simply tell you to handle everything by your self even for their problems. Shit. So please, I really hope that you manage to open your eyes wide upon this. Open your eyes, open your heart. Stop feeling sympathetic to others first. Put your life at as a main subject from now on.

Learn to say No. And learn to move on. Yes, you need to move on. People come and go as they wish. And they don't even bother to look back.  The only thing that they end up remember will always be those time that you are trying to figure out your life, you ain't there for them. That one single time versus all your life you devoted to make sure they never feel sad by themselves.

So please. By all mean, if you love your self, leave them. Leave everything that always hurt you behind. Pick up those pitiful life of yours. Teach your self to be a great, self-respect woman. Girl, you are not even a girl anymore. Last time you checked you had a great life was when you are a real girl, childish and stupid. Look what have you make your self by allowing them to take over your life.

To me and only me. Change. I love you. And I can't bare the pain of seeing myself crying every night when the reality hits. I hope you wake up. No. You need to wake up.

Your Self,

Me n You. 

Friday, June 24, 2016

Cheese Fact

 The more important your cheese is to you, the more you want to hold onto it.

 If you do not change you can become extinct.

 Smell the chess often so you know when it is getting old.

 When you move beyond your fear, you will feel free.

 The quicker you let go of old cheese, the sooner you find the new one.

 Old believe do not lead to new cheese.

 Noticing small changer early helps you adapt, to the bigger changes that are to come.

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Download London Has Fallen Full Movie

  • Hai there! I just watched this and I would love to share it with you guys!


  • Starring

  • Summary
  •  In London for the Prime Minister's funeral, Mike Banning (Gerard Butler) discovers a plot to assassinate all the attending world leaders.

  • Director

  • Genre(s)
  •  ActionDramaThrillerCrime

  • Rating: R
  • Runtime: 99 min


Monday, March 28, 2016

Foods Are Your Allies In Losing Weight- Mumbles

It's funny that I live in an environment that takes the term WEIGHT LOSS as 
Starvation! Excessive Exercises! Not Eating! Eat those slimming pills! Cutting Off Socializing! A single piece of carrot a day!
No Food Allowed!
 No Food Allowed! 
No Food Allowed!


I guess that's how my family and friends especially the ladies ( you know aunts, cousins, grandmas) view me nowadays. Coz everytime I went back or seeing my relatives especially, they'll try to feed me with foods as if I'm a kid that's been starving a long long long time. It's funny though.

Yeah, I have been losing 20kg or 44 pounds throughout these 3 years ( with soooo manytimes of up and down). But I never starved my self. Or do excessive exercise and such things.

Exercise moderately 3x a week is enough. For me.
But, the quality of the foods that you consume is the main important things in order to cutting of those weight. Only if you can't go with quality then you can go with quantity.

Nowadays it is easier to find information on what to eat or what not to eat. What is good for you or what is bad.
It's just that how you use all of that knowledge in order to to keep on your goals.

Foods are what build you, your body and soul. If you keep yourself in a starvation mode for a long time, there will many bad complication upon your body rather than a good one. For example:
  • Your metabolic rate will drop rapidly, thus your body can't burn those fat faster.
  • Your body will lose the optimal condition to function
  • Brain cannot function too!!
  • Emotional changes as your hormones go haywire
  • Binge eating later and your body will go Ka-Pooff!!
You get what I'm saying right

So, eat right. There are a lot of websites, pages that can teach you on how to. and probably gives you better recipes that you might like it. 

Like "Eating Peanut Butter and still losing weight!"
"Guilt-less Triple Chocolate Cake"

Lol, I love these kind of posts.

Below I'm sharing with you types of info that I got from Instagram (Yeah, I print screen them for my own references.)

These are from Shredz. ( I hope they are okay with me posting this in my blog)
They got quite cool inspirational posts on getting fit and weightloss.

Ridiculous Monday

Nowadays social media is a platform of viral-ing everything in our daily life.

I'm telling you one thing based on my Facebook's new feed, bad things spread faster than the good one.

Bad thoughts, the eagerness of telling other people's bad side, catfight, things that can be a spark between two people or two races or even two sides that are different than each other. People keep sharing and posting about this kind of thing.

Cyber-bullies, keyboard warriors, are the bad soul whisperers that can give bad influence and effect towards one's life.

So people.. please..please.. and please be careful with your own thoughts and posts that you put on social media. Most of the people that read it and comment on it it don't actually care about your problem. Their two cents can be a bad thing to you.

Making your life miserable, spreading it out with 'extra-spices' upon the stories and you are the only one that will bare the consequences.

I always believe, words and what we do are some kind of prayers. See it like this, let's take things that you say towards another person is a prayer. If it is granted, good for them and good for you. If it's not, and it get reflected back to you, atleast it's a good words right.

So what happen when you keep talking or in this case posting bad things of other person.

Remember, there will always be karma. Or kifarah. If those bad things you do towards others doesn't get reflected on you, your families or people around you might be the one that bare the consequences.

So, here's a baby giraffe.

P/s: Yeah I'm writing this based on the case of the bride's and bridegroom's family goes on rampage over insufficient dowry. And the reaction that people gave towards it.Sigh..